
Three more Words on Sounds Podcast episodes

The podcast routine is still falling into place--I've been forgetting to post the new episode links here when they become available. In case I should forget in the future, if you check the Words on Sounds mixcloud page once a week, or "follow" me there, you'll find one new podcast every week. But I'll try to put the info here, too.

Today's episode just went up, and it's a banger: 

The week before had some great new material, too. Love that new Jon Mueller/Death Blues "Ensemble" record, Bus Gas, Killer BOB...a feast for your ears:

And episode 7 was something different: as I'm leaving the Other Music radio show to focus on reviews and podcasts, the other 2 current DJs have decided to leave, too. The show's history goes back around 25 years, with lots of different DJs over time, all of whom have been involved with making music as well as spinning it on the radio, and this podcast offers a history of music made by Other Music DJs. Some of this music would never have been made if it weren't for relationships that started around the OM show. Very much worth a listen (and I'm playing on a few of these recordings myself, such as the Philemon piece):

Tonight will be my last Other Music show at KZUM. It's bittersweet, for sure, but I hope I can serve everyone better with more time to focus on reviews, and the podcast will naturally evolve out of my note-taking process. Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening.

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